Extremism : Centrism ~ Trump : Biden

Alan Zendell, February 3, 2024

For most of our history, government represented the varying viewpoints and attitudes of our people reasonably well. Congress, until the last few decades consisted of a broad spectrum of Conservatives, Progressives, and Centrists. There have always been a few extremists at both ends of the spectrum. Our House of Representatives and Senate have always included a few people who were socialists, populists, warhawks, ultra-capitalists, and libertarians. It worked because they balanced each other. Since the Civil War, extremists at either end never dominated our politics – until Donald Trump entered the scene.

Right-wing extremists point to Franklin Roosevelt as the symbol of radical progressivism because the New Deal transformed our governing philosophy from laissez-faire capitalism to a society based on the needs of all Americans. But FDR took office in the middle of the worst Depression in our history, with millions out of work, struggling to feed and house their families. And Roosevelt was no slouch at defending our country when World War 2 loomed.

Every president since then has found a way to govern in a bipartisan manner, regardless of his political ideology – until Donald Trump took office. Trump’s legacy will be the President who changed the basic American ideal of cooperation and bipartisanism to divisiveness. It will include an extreme commitment to government by oligarchy and exalting the Executive Branch of government over the Legislative and Judicial Branches in contradiction of one of the most basic principles in our Constitution, while attempting to shift the balance of power from the federal government to the individual states.

The truth, however, is that when personalities are excluded, and Americans are asked what they want, we get a very different result. Only a small percentage of Americans favor replacing our economy with a welfare state, and even fewer think we should have heavily armed militias placing our basic institutions under siege. Most Americans want their government to maintain a stable economy, keep our basic infrastructure functioning and efficient, defend us against foreign adversaries, provide for the health of our nation, and assure that our children are educated and prepared for adulthood.

Most Americans want a government that balances the needs of American families against the realities of defense and security. No one loves paying taxes, but ask the average American if they’re willing to pay more taxes to build roads, bridges, power grids, and communication systems and they’ll agree. Ask them if they’re willing to pay more taxes so the wealthiest among us don’t have to pay any, and you get a different response. Everything is clear when we tell the truth and mute the chaos extremists thrive on.

That’s what the 2024 election is about. There’s no point debating whether octogenarians should sit in the Oval Office. In all likelihood, that choice has already been made for us. The real question is which one. Do we want a president and a Congress dominated by people who prefer all-powerful leaders for whom retaining power is the ultimate goal? Or do we want leaders who believe in what most Americans believe?

Most Americans believe women have the right to control their own bodies and health, and determine when parenthood is appropriate. Most Americans want a secure border and an end to being victimized by drug cartels, but they also recognize that immigrants have been the driving force behind science, innovation, education, and maintaining the kind of work ethic we need to be successful. Most Americans believe their right to vote should not be compromised. Most Americans believe in equal opportunity. Most Americans want to care for their families, fulfill their responsibilities to society, and otherwise be free to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

In three years, the Biden administration and the majority or our Congress have worked to give Americans all of those things. They averted the oft-predicted Recession we faced after COVID, created millions of jobs, and strengthened the economy average people depend on while driving the value of equity markets and investments to record highs. And our President has stood strong in the face of every international threat. Joe Biden restored the respect of NATO, so far enabling the western world to thwart Russia’s attempt to recreate its former Soviet empire. It has maintained support for Taiwan, defended Israel against Iran-backed terrorists, and this week, made a powerful military statement to Iran and any other bad actor seeking to disrupt the world order.

Trump, on the other hand, has become more extreme. He would have a group of twenty extremists dominate our Congress of 535 members. He will treat the presidency as his own personal playground in which he is exempt from laws and normal standards of behavior. He will continue to pander to every extremist group willing to keep him in power. Donald Trump is a greedy, venal, immoral man who will always place his self-interest above that of the country.

The choice has never been easier.

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