Tag Archives: Angela Merkel

Servant of the People

Alan Zendell, May 9, 2022 By now, most of us know the remarkable story of Ukrainian President Володимир Зеленський (Volodymyr Zelensky) and how he found himself at the fulcrum of history. But knowing isn’t the same as seeing and feeling. … Continue reading

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Only Courage and Leadership Can Save Us

Alan Znedell, March 16, 2022 Interviewed by the Washington Examiner Tuesday, Donald Trump admitted he’d been wrong (well, not exactly,) about Vladimir Putin. Our former president, who repeatedly referred to himself as a genius who knew more about diplomacy than … Continue reading

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Our Flawed Democracy is Hurting Our Diplomacy

Alan Zendell, September 21, 2021 In June, President Biden traveled to the U. K. to engage with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and attend his first G7 meeting. From there, he went to Belgium, where he attended the Brussels 2021 Summit. … Continue reading

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The History of COVID-19 in 21 Minutes

Alan Zendell, September 29, 2020 The “failed” New York Times has produced a video that documents the history of the United States’ pandemic response. It is well worth watching, because it is free of hyperbole and politics. It begins with … Continue reading

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Trump’s Vision of a Greater America

Alan Zendell, July 15, 2018 Donald Trump famously began his presidential campaign with his signature slogan, “Make America Great Again” combined with a virulent attack against Muslim immigrants. When he went on to attack Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals, … Continue reading

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Trump on the World Stage

Alan Zendell, June 12, 2018 No, I’m not writing about the Trump-Kim Singapore summit. You’ve already heard enough from pundits who know a lot more than I do about it, yet despite that, no matter who is espousing wisdom, it … Continue reading

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