Tag Archives: Anita Hill

Classified Documents

Alan Zendell, January 13, 2023 It’s obvious on its face that no matter how you feel about them, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are entirely different kinds of people. The kerfuffles over the handling of classified documents is but the … Continue reading

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A Tale of Two Presidents

Alan Zendell, June 30, 2022 This is about two men. One has dedicated his life to serving his country. The other has dedicated his life to serving himself. If they hadn’t both been presidents of the United States, we probably … Continue reading

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President Joe

Alan Zendell, January 6, 2022 On a day when our president spoke so eloquently and forcefully about saving our country, I feel compelled to write about him. I’ve been a fan of Joe Biden for fifty years, because he always … Continue reading

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Fakery on a Global Scale

Alan Zendell, January 29, 2021 In 1983, Woody Allen created a fake documentary called Zelig, after its main character. Before the age of sophisticated computer imagery, Allen used a variety of movie making techniques to seamlessly insert his character into … Continue reading

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Sexual Harassment

Alan Zendell, May 1, 2020 Sexual assault is a crime. There’s no defense for it. Preying on vulnerable women is despicable. But sexual predators don’t advertise, sell tickets, or perform in front of witnesses, and the victims are often powerless … Continue reading

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Primary Risks

Alan Zendell, April 14, 2019 The 2020 primary season started far too early. We’ve never experienced a presidential campaign that lasted two full years, and it’s impossible to predict how it will go, but we can make some intelligent guesses. … Continue reading

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The Morning After

Alan Zendell, September 28, 2018 Yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court came off yesterday pretty much the way Chairman Chuck Grassley intended. There were no witnesses other than Professor Christine Blasey … Continue reading

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It’s the Supreme Court, Stupid!

Alan Zendell, September 26, 2018 Amid the hype and exaggerations of presidential campaigns we continually hear candidates boast about the things they’re going to do after they’re elected. Caught up in the noise that precedes a presidential election, most Americans … Continue reading

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Credibility: Kavanaugh vs Ford

Alan Zendell, September 19, 2018 In October of 1991, my wife and I were trying to add a new chapter to our annual tradition of finding a beautiful forest to hike in as leaves rained down around us in all … Continue reading

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