Tag Archives: Biden

Goobye to 2021

Alan Zendell, December 31, 2021 A year ago, most of us were saying, “Good riddance” to 2020. Some may say that about 2021, but the two years could hardly have been more different. It’s time to set the record straight. … Continue reading

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And So It Begins…

Alan Zendell, November 13, 2021 Donald Trump continues to try to undermine our Constitution and deepen the divisions he exposed and exacerbated. He continues to do everything he can to undermine President Biden both at home and by eroding our … Continue reading

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Eight Months In

Alan Zendell, September 8, 2021 Did anyone else hear the alarm bells going off on all the cable hype networks? Catastrophe! Afghanistan was a debacle, COVID-Delta is killing people faster than its parent virus, and Republican Governors and legislatures are … Continue reading

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Dealing With the Devil

Alan Zendell, September 21, 2019 One of the most often repeated themes in human history began in the Book of Genesis and continues today. A Devil’s surrogate tempts a potential victim with something he or she craves with no apparent … Continue reading

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Inciter in Chief

Alan Zendell, October 15, 2018 Since the day he announced his candidacy for president, Donald Trump has relentlessly attacked the media. His initial attacks were completely unprovoked, as all of the major cable news channels devoted far more airtime to … Continue reading

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Good Old Joe

Alan Zendell, November 14, 2017 Jake Novak of CNBC thinks Joe Biden “is the exact opposite of the kind of candidate voters in both parties proved they want in the 2016 election.” He cites a lot of facts, like the … Continue reading

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