Tag Archives: bigotry

Tough Choices

Alan Zendell, September 9, 2022 The next couple of months are not a time when Americans who care about our future can afford to take our eyes off the ball. We’re under a lot of stress, from inflated prices, women’s … Continue reading

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Getting at the Truth

Alan Zendell, July 5, 2021 The next few weeks should be fascinating if you don’t mind sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to see if your elected leaders do their jobs or continue to trash the Constitution. The … Continue reading

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Comparing Then and Now

Alan Zendell, July 6, 2021 Running for re-election in 1984, Ronald Reagan asked Americans if they were better off than they were when he took office. Yesterday, President Biden delivered an Independence Day speech that asked Americans to compare where … Continue reading

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Charismatic Leaders and Their Mobs

Alan Zendell, January 17, 2021 The summer I was seventeen, I worked for the Herald Tribune Fresh Air Fund at a summer camp. The Fund took hundreds of kids out of the New York City slums, and gave them a … Continue reading

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Can It Happen Here?

Alan Zendell, February 26, 2018 One of the nearly continuous lessons I learned growing up in post-World War Two New York, was that America was the strongest and most virtuous country on Earth. The idea that America was where the … Continue reading

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Who the Hell is Stephen Miller?

Alan Zendell, January 29, 2019 Like most people whose ethnic or religious heritage is associated with groups that tend to be the targets of bigotry and hate crimes, I’m extremely sensitive to actions by people with a background similar to … Continue reading

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Huckster in Chief

Alan Zendell, January 21, 2019 One of my sons has held a number of sales jobs. He learned what was necessary to sell effectively, and he excelled at it. A successful salesperson needs good communication skills, a combination of eloquent … Continue reading

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December Reflections

Alan Zendell, December 27, 2017 For almost my entire life, December began with a remembrance of Pearl Harbor, but that changed somewhat after nine-eleven. At the time, a Japanese newspaper columnist writing in the Seattle Times even thanked Al Qaeda … Continue reading

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Train Wrecks

Alan Zendell, December 18, 2017\ Today’s unfortunate, tragic train accident between Tacoma and Olympia, Washington elicited a couple of perplexing reactions from President Trump. As emergency crews were desperately trying to stabilize train cars hanging over interstate 5 so they … Continue reading

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Two Defining Days For Donald Trump

Alan Zendell, August 23, 2017 The past two days tell us all we need to know about the Trump presidency. On Monday he gave a speech at a military base in Virginia to lay out his policy on Afghanistan. On … Continue reading

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