Tag Archives: build back better

A Critical Two Weeks for Our Democracy

Alan Zendell, January 4, 2022 As a patriotic American, I don’t know which is more embarrassing, a Senate that is unable to come up with fifty votes to assure that every American is able to vote, thus preserving the main … Continue reading

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Hope For Christmas

Alan Zendell, December 24, 2021 Being neither a Christian nor a fan of organized religion, I’m not fond of Christmas, either. My idea of celebrating is to avoid its associated hypocrisy as much as possible. Growing up in New York … Continue reading

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New Rays of Hope

Alan Zendell, November 17, 2021 Looking back on the last couple of years, an objective observer might conclude that the Biden presidency was set up to fail. He inherited a Republican opposition, two of them, actually, that despise each other … Continue reading

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The Republican Powder Keg

Alan Zendell, November 10, 2021 Today’s Republican Party is like two freight trains on a collision course. Its two factions clearly hate each other. One is tied to Donald Trump, the other despises him and recognizes that he’s an existential … Continue reading

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A Ray of Hope

Alan Zendell, November 6, 2021 Last evening two notable events occurred. One was at a social gathering of my senior community, where I took a lot of razzing from my very purple friends. Their consensus was that henceforth I would … Continue reading

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Democrats Must Get Their Act Together or Admit They’re Unable to Govern

Alan Zendell, October 28, 2021 Presidential candidates spend every year divisible by four making promises. They argue about them at town halls and during televised debates. They attack each other’s ideas, nitpick the details, and vie for voters’ support for … Continue reading

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