Tag Archives: charlottesville

America’s Second Civil War

Alan Zendell, October 14, 2021 Make no mistake, our country is at war with itself. No one has deployed armed forces or launched missiles, but there have already been far too many casualties. The first was Heather Heyer, who was … Continue reading

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Baby Steps – Signs of Progress

Alan Zendell, August 12, 2021 Nearly seven months into his presidency, Joe Biden faces more problems than he did when he took office. He inherited a nation plagued by divisiveness whose root causes go back to Colonial days, which his … Continue reading

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Are You Surprised?

Alan Zendell, January 6, 2021 If you are surprised by Wednesday’s insurrection in Washington, you shouldn’t be. If, even now, you’re waiting to see if Trump will finally step up and act responsibly, I’ll make it easy for you. He … Continue reading

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How To Make Bad Situations Worse – A Primer

Alan Zendell, May 29, 2020 Regardless of how you feel about the presidency of Barrack Obama, one thing most of America concluded from it was that we had turned a corner as a nation. For a black man to have been … Continue reading

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He Solemnly Swore to Defend the Constitution

Alan Zendell, May 8, 2019 Every president’s first official act is to take his oath of office: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my … Continue reading

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Who the Hell is Stephen Miller?

Alan Zendell, January 29, 2019 Like most people whose ethnic or religious heritage is associated with groups that tend to be the targets of bigotry and hate crimes, I’m extremely sensitive to actions by people with a background similar to … Continue reading

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This Needs to End

Alan Zendell, August 14, 2017 John Oliver often begins his HBO show, Last Week Tonight, by saying, “President Donald Trump – three words that should never appear in the same sentence.” Back in March, that seemed over the top. Today … Continue reading

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The Despicables

Alan Zendell, August 13, 2017 One of the worst moments in one of the most poorly executed presidential campaigns in recent memory was Hillary’s ill-advised characterization of Donald Trump’s supporters as a Basket of Deplorables. Of course, she didn’t mean … Continue reading

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