Tag Archives: confusion

Fanning the Flames of Domestic Violence

Alan Zendell, August 31, 2020 When my younger son was a high school junior he was attacked in the school cafeteria. Since my son is white, and the boy who jumped on him in front of hundreds of students and … Continue reading

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A Tale of Two Governors

Alan Zendell, March 26, 2020 Do events create heroes or are heroes always with us, emerging as leaders when circumstances require them? Self-proclaimed hero, Donald Trump, believes he is uniquely qualified to lead our country in all things. But as … Continue reading

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Is This God’s Fault?

Alan Zendell, January 31, 2019 Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told the Christian Broadcasting Network that “God wanted Donald Trump to be president, [and] … he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things … Continue reading

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Chaos Theory

Alan Zendell, March 2, 2018 The theory goes, if you’re smarter than everyone else and a genius at tactics, timing, reading the crowd, and knowing where the escape tunnel is, you can juggle dozens of balls at once and no … Continue reading

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