Tag Archives: COVID-19

The Election: What’s Really At Stake

Alan Zendell, October 20, 2020 The final two weeks of the 2020 election campaign will be a terribly stressful time for Americans. Millions are out of work, COVID-19 infections are exploding all over the country, and countless small businesses are … Continue reading

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Protecting Your Vote

Alan Zendell, September 23, 2020 To date, the best example of mail-in ballot fraud the Trump campaign has come up with was nine ballots allegedly found in a waste basket in Pennsylvania in 2016. That’s nine out of more than … Continue reading

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Campaign Strategy

Alan Zendell, September 15, 2020 If you watched any news last week you probably saw coverage of Donald Trump’s indoor rally in Nevada. You probably also saw a maskless, sixtiesh guy wearing a red MAGA hat standing shoulder-to-shoulder, hip-to-hip with … Continue reading

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Why the Woodward Tapes Matter

Alan Zendell, September 11, 2020 In 1974, the United States lived through what felt like its worst existential threat since the Civil War. We’d defeated the British twice early in our history, the Spanish in the 1890s, and been instrumental … Continue reading

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Kamala and Joe

Alan Zendell, August 13, 2020 Sometimes, starting out getting a thing wrong is the best way to get it right. For three months, I was certain the best running mate for Joe Biden was Amy Klobuchar. Her Midwest roots, centrist … Continue reading

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Trump’s Sociopathic Lust for Power

Alan Zendell, August 9, 2020 Donald Trump has two outstanding skills, creating chaos and perceiving (and shamelessly exploiting) other people’s vulnerabilities. That makes it easy to get lost in the weeds of his relentless attacks. If we pay too much … Continue reading

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Voting in a Pandemic

Alan Zendell, July 31, 2020 Americans who were fearful of Trump’s relentless attacks on the Constitution and the Rule of Law, myself among them, have waited for three-and-a-half years for the single act that would tell us how much of … Continue reading

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Can Baseball Save Our Sanity?

Alan Zendell, July 23, 2020 In today’s Washington Post, sports columnist Thomas Boswell wrote, “If MLB stays virus-lucky, the World Series may end a week before the election — and my head may not explode listening to two parties fight for … Continue reading

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Anthony Fauci’s Truth

Alan Zendell, July 15, 2020 President Trump’s decision to undermine and discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci is as disgusting as it was predictable. After a lifetime as an immoral, dishonest businessman whose mentors were criminals and sleazy lawyers like Roy Cohn, … Continue reading

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Our Uneducated Secretary of Education

Alan Zendell, July 12, 2020 We learned two things about Secretary of Education Betsy Devos today, when she was interviewed at length by Dana Bash of CNN. One is the reason she and Ben Carson, who knows as little about … Continue reading

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