Tag Archives: H. R. McMaster

Trump Needs More than His Rabid Base to Win

Alan Zendell, March 16, 2024 This week, the media have been trumpeting Donald Trump’s clinching the Republican nomination for president in 2024, and his complete takeover of the Republican Party. What they’re leaving out is that the Republican Party, like … Continue reading

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The Nuclear Elephant

Alan Zendell, March 23, 2022, Conventional wisdom in the United States has it that Americans need not fear an accidental launch of nuclear missiles toward another country. It’s not something we can predict accurately, but we’ve seen evidence that our … Continue reading

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A Fascist America?

Alan Zendell, July 16, 2021 Back in 2017, when I first broached the subject of Donald Trump’s apparent infatuation with the tactics Adolf Hitler used to solidify and expand his power, some readers nodded sadly in agreement, some scoffed, and … Continue reading

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Waves of Condemnation

Alan Zendell, October 29. 2020 When a president, particularly one as unsuited for the job as Donald Trump uses personal loyalty as his sole criterion for selecting Cabinet and staff positions, we will invariably wind up with a government comprised … Continue reading

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I’d Even Accept Help From the Mooch

Alan Zendell, August 19, 2019 That’s how bad it’s gotten. Short of the Devil, I’d accept help from anyone. But the Mooch? Today, Anthony Scaramuchi, who served as Donald Trump’s Communications Director for eleven days, two summers ago, announced that … Continue reading

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Only the Best People

Alan Zendell, August 27, 2018 Viewed objectively, “the best people” is a phrase that must by its nature be subjective, one that differs in the eye of each beholder. Indirectly acknowledging his own lack of specific expertise in the various … Continue reading

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Another White House Leak

Alan Zendell, March 21, 2018 Oh no! Someone in the White House leaked another embarrassing bit of news to the media. Apparently, the president’s national security team “instructed” him not to congratulate Vladimir Putin on his election victory, but he … Continue reading

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