Tag Archives: Koch Brothers

In Normal Times…….

Alan zendell, April 5, 2023 In normal times, the election of a state Supreme Court Justice in a mid-western state would either pass unnoticed or soon be forgotten by most of the country, especially if the justice’s name looked impossible … Continue reading

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King Donald

Alan Zendell, June 6, 2018 The frightening but inescapable reality is that in 2016 we elected a president who thinks he’s a king. More likely, he simply doesn’t know the difference. Schooled in the world of business and mentored by … Continue reading

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The AHCA Ball is in McConnell’s Court

Alan Zendell, July 11, 2017 If it wasn’t certain before, today’s revelations about Donald Trump Jr sealed the deal for the President’s leverage with Congress. The cloud of uncertainty hanging over the administration’s role in Russian meddling with our election … Continue reading

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