Tag Archives: neo Nazis

How To Make Bad Situations Worse – A Primer

Alan Zendell, May 29, 2020 Regardless of how you feel about the presidency of Barrack Obama, one thing most of America concluded from it was that we had turned a corner as a nation. For a black man to have been … Continue reading

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Michael Bloomberg

Alan Zendell, February 20, 2020 It’s time to get serious about finding a candidate who will defeat Donald Trump. Nothing is more important than that, and the way the Democrats are going right now, it’s clear that a major values-shift … Continue reading

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A Microcosmic Trump Week

Alan Zendell, August 21, 2019 By any reasonable standard this would be an insane week, but it’s a perfect microcosm of the Trump administration. This was the week of Greenland, guns, and anti-Semitism. If it had occurred two years ago, … Continue reading

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What Hath Trump Wrought?

Alan Zendell, October 29, 2018 As you contemplate how you will vote this year, keep in mind that President Trump has characterized this election as a referendum on him. Of course it is. In Trumpland, everything is about him. Let’s … Continue reading

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Racism and Other Distractions

Alan Zendell, January 15, 2018 Donald Trump is not a racist. In fact, the term racist is an oversimplification that simply doesn’t apply to someone like him. The things that drive him have little or no relation to what most … Continue reading

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The Despicables

Alan Zendell, August 13, 2017 One of the worst moments in one of the most poorly executed presidential campaigns in recent memory was Hillary’s ill-advised characterization of Donald Trump’s supporters as a Basket of Deplorables. Of course, she didn’t mean … Continue reading

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