Tag Archives: Poland

Trump is Dead Wrong on Ukraine

Alan Zendell, February 26, 2024 It’s a cliché that experience is the best teacher. As a tutor, I tell kids that learning from their mistakes is the best way to improve their skills. Every important scientific discovery was preceded by … Continue reading

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Near Misses

Alan Zendell, November 17, 2022 We’ve all experienced situations that might have resulted in tragedy or disaster but didn’t. Whether we reacted by thanking God or just feeling lucky, we came away shaken, reminded how fragile life and everything we … Continue reading

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After the NATO and European Council Summits

Alan Zendell, March 27, 2022, In 1987, campaigning in the Democratic Primaries for the 1988 Nomination for President, Senator Joe Biden used some lines from a particularly moving speech by British MP Neil Kinnock without attributing them to him. The … Continue reading

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Only Courage and Leadership Can Save Us

Alan Znedell, March 16, 2022 Interviewed by the Washington Examiner Tuesday, Donald Trump admitted he’d been wrong (well, not exactly,) about Vladimir Putin. Our former president, who repeatedly referred to himself as a genius who knew more about diplomacy than … Continue reading

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The Ukrainian Line in the Sand

Alan Zendell, March 12, 2022 Watching horrific videos and interviews with ordinary Ukrainians, it’s important to remember the elephant in the room: Nuclear War. That would be the end of civilization as we know it and possibly the destruction of … Continue reading

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Abetting Our Enemies

Alan Zendell, February 24, 2022 Try to imagine that far across the ocean, a large, powerful adversary has surrounded a neighboring sovereign nation with clear intent to invade and overthrow its legally elected government. No one has any illusions about … Continue reading

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