Tag Archives: values

The Most Serious Threat to Our Democracy Yet

Alan Zendell, August 14, 2020 I was a Never-Trumper long before he announced that he was running for president. Trump and I have the same Queens, New York pedigree, except that I wasn’t born to a wealthy, racist father. My … Continue reading

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The Conservative View of Impeachment

Alan Zendell, December 21, 2019 Because I believe that all Americans have the inalienable right to a roof over their heads, nutritious food on their tables, and access to basic health care, many people “accuse” me of being a Liberal … Continue reading

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If the President Lies, Why Can’t I?

Alan Zendell, April 6, 2019 I’ve heard that question from children and adults, and it always makes me cringe. It underscores what I and many others have feared since the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy. There is not now … Continue reading

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Jungle Values

Alan Zendell, November 20, 2018 If you long since gave up being shocked by anything Donald Trump does, you shouldn’t be surprised at his complete indifference to the crimes of the Saudi Crown Prince. “Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t, … Continue reading

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Senator Jeff Flake

Alan Zendell, September 29, 2018 Opinions abound concerning Senator Jeff Flake’s (R, Arizona) motivations. Yesterday, he forced Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R, Kentucky) to allow a one-week delay in the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to fill the Supreme Court … Continue reading

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Pants on Fire

Alan Zendell, May 6, 2018 He’s lied his entire life – it’s well documented. He’s made promises he never intended to keep and defrauded people all his life. That’s well documented, too. He lied when he said he couldn’t release … Continue reading

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Alan Zendell, November 23, 2017 Trite as it may sound, I really do think about what I’m thankful for on Thanksgiving. In this era of Trump, many of my friends and family have been struggling to identify the good things … Continue reading

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Good Old Joe

Alan Zendell, November 14, 2017 Jake Novak of CNBC thinks Joe Biden “is the exact opposite of the kind of candidate voters in both parties proved they want in the 2016 election.” He cites a lot of facts, like the … Continue reading

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Conservative Values

Alan Zendell, August 4, 2017 I learned a lot about conservative values this week. It was enlightening. It was uplifting enough to restore my confidence in the future. Why? I read Senator Jeff Flake’s book, which he named after Barry … Continue reading

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The Truth About Health Care

Alan Zendell, March 8, 2017 Most of what you read in the media about health care in the United States is exaggerated, spun for political reasons, or outright lies. Health care is a very complex issue until you strip away … Continue reading

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